Wednesday, December 3, 2008

quick update

It's hard to believe it is 3 weeks before Christmas and that we have now been waiting 27 months. Alot has happened since my last post. We made the decision to switch to SN and are now patiently waiting again. We are really hoping the 2009 will be our year to complete our family!!!!Fingers crossed for us, please.
Cole is great and very excited for Santa. He wants everything and anything but most of all he wants a brother or sister. My heart breaks when he says this because there is nothing more in the world I would like to give him. He has been amazing through this wait, he's 5, we've realized that the wait for him is just as hard as it is for us. This might be our last christmas just the 3 of us so we are going to focus on that for now.
Anyway, that's it for now.
Happy Holidays Everyone and I'll keep you updated on the events of 2009.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Lots to think about.......

It's been almost 2 years waiting and there is no end in sight. We have lots of things to think about and decisions to make about this journey!!
Stay tuned............

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

21 months and nothings really changed.

Happy Birthday Mum!

So it has now ben 21 months and I honestly don't see an end in sight. Grrrrrrr.
Cole is wonderful. We are truely blessed to have him. He is still waiting patiently for his trip to China. He really doesn't understand why he is still waiting. We try to explain it as best we can.
He is starting soccer tonight. This will keep in busy for the summer. He is starting kindergarten in September so he's counting down to that for now.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

20 months.........

I'm feeling a very down today. The realization that we've been waiting 20 months and will most likely wait atleast 20 more has hit me hard. I just don't understand why we are still waiting and that the end is really no where in sight. I know I should be optomistic but I can't today.

Monday, April 14, 2008

My Birthday Wish

As I sit and ponder the year gone by and the year ahead, my biggest wish would be for my family to be healthy and happy. I also wish for our family to be complete soon. I know this one will still by my wish next year and the year after but hey its worth wishing for,right.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Were does the time go?????

Hard to believe I am actually saying this. In so many ways, with this adoption, I feel like time is standing still but the rest of my life seems to be flying by:
Happy 5th Birthday, Cole!!!!!
Wow, were have the last 5 years gone. It's very hard for me to believe my baby turned 5 today!!
He is very excited to be 5 but he did have some reservations about it. He was so cute last night when I got him into bed and I asked him how he felt knowing this was his last night of being 4 and that in the morning he would be 5, we looked up at me and told me he wasn't sure he was ready to be 5 yet and then told me how much he loved me!!! As you can imagine, tears were streaming down my face(good thing it was dark in there) God, I love him!!!!!!!!!
Hopefully he won't have too many more birthdays without his babysister!
We're waiting for you Ella and can't wait for you to join our crazy family!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


We got some information from our agency to say that right now there isn't much that they can do, but once our LID gets closer to referral they will try again to get further info. So I guess for know this is the best that we can do.

On a much happier note, our friends Bryan and Angela got their referral yesterday for their beautiful Ella. I have to say she is gorgeous!! Congrats to both of you. We are truely very happy for you both!!!!!Can't wait to meet her in person.

Monday, March 3, 2008

from bad to worse.....

So, if 2011 wasn't bad enough we got worse news on Friday. Let me rewind a bit, we got a call 2 weeks ago that China was missing our passport pictures and that we needed to redo them and send them to them as soon as possible. So we did. I was worried though at the time as to why we were only being asked now since our file was supposedly out of review back in November. Anyway, we got a call on Friday that they have our new pictures and that our file will now be put in with the files they are working on now(end of Nov-first of Dec '06) so this means our LID has now changed and we will be waiting even longer. We contacted our agency and they are going to do everything they can to try and get our file put back to where it is supposed to go but most likely it will not happen.

This totally SUCKS!!!!! Friday was not a good day for me at all. I completely broke down on the phone with our agency. I understand it isn't thier fault but I'm really hoping they might be able to sway them to change their minds. China is what it is. They make the rules and we just have to abid by them.

Thanks Ang for totally listening to me!! It helped!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


So we received an email from our agency last week that informed us that we should expect our referral in 2011. Yup, you read it right, 2011!!!!! As anyone can well imagine this is possibly the worst news to date. Brent and I have talked again in length of what we should do. I guess when you look at time lines for adoption in Canada, it's still better than that. We have to keep an open mind about this whole thing or we, really I, will loose it completely. I want to say THANKS to the girls, you know who you are!!!, for all you kind words. I know that if I need anything you are all there. Thanks for everything. Someday I'll figure out how to repay you all. In the meantime I guess some much needed renovations to our house are going to get done along with a few trips!!!!!

Monday, January 7, 2008


Well here we are in 2008, who would've thought we'd still be waiting and will continue to wait for another year or more. I'm feeling pretty down today as I realize that 2008 will not be our year and 2009 most likely will not be either. It frustrates me to know that the wait will continue to get longer and longer and that our dream of completing our family will continue to get further and further away. It breaks my heart when Cole talks about his baby sister because he wants her to be here so much and asks alot why we haven't gone yet. I have a really hard time understanding it so how can I explain it to a 4 year old.
Anyway enough whining out of me, it won't change anything.
So heres to 2008 making dreams come true for our friends Angela & Bryan!!Can't wait to meet your Ella!