Thursday, September 13, 2007

1 Year waiting......

Wow, I can't believe it's been a year since our file has been logged. And what a year it's been. When we started this process we really thought that by now we would've been there. The wait times have gone from bad to worse and in reality it is now looking more and more like 2009. I truly believe everything happens for a reason so lets hope I'm right.
I have meet the most amazing group of ladies(Angela,Tracy,Cindy,Steph and Judy) I can't imagine this wait without all of you. You've been so wonderful. Thanks for being so great. Can't wait for ALL our girls to be together.
The past year has been an emotional roller coast for lots of other reasons too. We've had weddings,funerals,births,vacations and parties. Friends of ours have had babies,lost babies. Family members have passed away. Friends have come and gone, boys have come and gone(Brandon, Patrick and Marcus, we miss you all lots!!!).
All of these things have certainly made the last year go by quickly. Lets just hope the next year goes as quick. Cole is very excited for her sister to get here, we talk about her alot and all the things he can't wait to do with her. So everyone keep your fingers crossed that the wait will speed up. It has to right? Until then we will continue to enjoy life, Cole, family and great friends.


Family Life said...

Hi Lisa,
your post brought tears to my eyes...I know how hard the wait is and it is so unfortunate that it has slowed down so much. The journey is filled with so many ups and downs and sometimes it is hard to remember that the outcome is so worth all this!!! (I know, easy for me to say....I have Lily home!!!) Hopefully things will speed up for you guys and if you ever need a night out to vent, cry, laugh, etc you know which girls to call!!

Angela said...

I wish this was an anniversary that you didn't have to reach...I know how hard the wait is for us, so I can't imagine how difficult it must be for you.
I am so thankful for having met you (and the rest of the girls)~ I don't know what I'd do without you!
I can't wait until our Ellas can play together :)
Waiting with you...
Angela :)